Member Benefits 004-3: Cane Making

Polymer Clay Membership SiteI have tried several canes and they have not worked well, but what the heck. Adventure is the name of the game, and try, try again is what we as clay artist should do. It’s like a runner going for 26 miles and hitting a brick wall at 24 miles. We need to push through it and when we do the feeling can be so high. So I say to all of you who want to quit. Reach for the the Moon and if you fall short, you are still among the stars. Cindy I so want to meet you, and thank you for helping all of us start our journey. ~Sandra @ Polymer Clay Canes

I have to admit that making canes is the most intimidating part of this new craft. I’ve seen some breathtaking canes, realistic peonies and roses and irises (my favorite) that take my breath away. I spent my fiftieth birthday in Venice (amidst the antiquity, heh heh) and was amazed by the milefiore glass on Murano. Just as with polymer clay, a number of different techniques yeilds numerous effects. I think I will master some basics before I explore caning, but I am certainly intrigued! Thanks! ~Sue @ Polymer Clay Cane Inspiration

Hi Cindy : ) I stole my husband’s Dremmel tool years ago and ended up buying one of my own with variable speeds and tons of attachments to go with it! I don’t know what I would do without it!! I’m a multimedia artist and find a use for it in just about everything I do! (except in painting of course…lol) Thank you for the videos. Yes the swirly beads are addictive…lol I was a good girl and voted already. I happen to be an advanced polymer clay artist. Not an expert, but I can hold my own : ) I finally ordered a supply of Studio Sculpey out of curiosity,(I am a Premo user), and found it to have a suede feel to it. Definitely different. I made a few canes and it did well. The only problem I found was when I was slicing the cane that it isn’t as stiff after resting. In the future I will try putting it in the freezer for around 20 minutes before slicing so it won’t lose it’s shape. Although it doesn’t shine much after sanding and buffing like Premo does, after applying a gloss glaze it is beautiful! I’ve carried on long enough! Hope you are having a great weekend Cindy! ~Mary @ Buffing Polymer Clay Beads

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VIDEO: Info About Why A Dremel Tool Is Handy For Working With Polymer Clay
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